our loss because of damage done to the feminine

Since it's Women's History Month, turns out I felt especially compelled to talk about the loss we've experienced because of damage done to feminine energy - to women, and to the feminine parts of people of all genders (though I didn't necessarily realize I'd be exploring this when I started recording).

I also share about what's been going on with me and with Seeds, as it's intrinsically tied up in everything about healing the feminine/is very much why Seeds even exists (and, I'm increasingly convinced, why I do).

If you feel like listening (to that and more, it's super stream-of-consciousness), here's the podcast version:

If preferable, the low fi YouTube version is here.

I'm hoping this has felt especially hard to me recently (in a lifetime of feeling it relentlessly bearing down, crushing us) because we're in the narrowest part of the birth canal…and the energies are shifting such that we're about to come out the other side, into a world that's new.

Hope you're feeling okay out there. Happy belated International Women's Day.
