the #1 tip I give new crypto traders 💗

So perhaps the most common question I've received about cryptocurrency trading - particularly on TikTok - has been this:

“How much do I really need to invest in order for it to be worthwhile?”

The answer depends on the person, and leads me to the foundational tip I find most valuable to share with crypto traders new and old:

Only invest what you would be totally okay to lose. 💗

For some, this may seem intuitive, but as I've come across many folks over the years who aren't aware that this is good practice, it's shown itself to be important to explicitly state.

In my last email, I talked about how panic selling as the market comes down is probably the #1 mistake I see new traders make (buy low, sell high, as the old adage goes). When you've invested more than you can comfortably afford to lose, it typically lends itself to more panicked trading behavior all around.

My trading experience over the past 14 years or so has shown me that equanimity is key to successful trading long term. When you're careful not to put funds you need for basic expenses at risk of loss in the often volatile crypto markets, you do yourself a great favor, creating an environment that makes that equanimity more readily accessible.

If you'd like to discuss other learnings I've made through crypto trading (and through the creation of Seeds, our crypto mutual aid project), you're welcome to join the live webcast on Thursday. I'll talk about crypto theory and history, how Seeds works, and I'll share my approach to my current cryptocurrency trades.

You're very welcome to ask any questions you'd like. If you can't attend live, you can post those questions in advance, and I'll answer during. Those who register will also have access to the recording to watch at their convenience.

To greater abundance for us all!
